Chapter 1
[World] "Maybe on Earth, maybe in the future". Tsutomu sensei commented in an interview [CITATION NEEDED] that the universe of Blame could be as big as the solar system. If that's so, assuming that these facts happen on Earth wouldn't make sense. At the same time assuming that these facts don't happen on Earth, might make it plausible that they're not happening in the present. Interestingly, this premise is absent in the German master edition.
[Architecture] The opening three panels already show the link between Nihei-mangaka and Nihei-architect. The world of Blame! is in fact introduced in a classic orthogonal projection: it shows the bridge on which Killy is walking from above and from the two sides. This immediately gives a sense of scale. The world is both huge and claustrophibic. The organic shapes of the humans are in stark contrast with the perfect straight edges of the buildings. [IMAGE REFERENCE NEEDED]
[World] In the third panel, notice thunders and manta rays on the ceiling.
[Narration] Blame! is narrated "in medias res". Nothing is explained upfront, the reader is supposed to pick up elements of the story for themself. In this case the kid Killy is walking with is surprised to find another human being. Some humans are after human cells?
[Narration] Is Blame! a circular story? The opening chapter has Killy with a kid with the net gene. At the same time, the manga ends with Killy and a kid.
[Character] Killy shows little emotion or care for others throughout the manga, this is common for male protagonists in other Nihei works (Biomega, Abara). Killy however often shows a slight grin before shooting his gun.
[Weapons] Killy uses his Gravitational Beam Gun for the first time in the manga. The use of extremely powerful and yet small guns is common in Nihei work, to the point of absurdity. For example see Biomega (destroying nuclear weapons with a shotgun) [IMAGE NEEDED]
[Silicon creatures] Two silicon creatures are introduced as antagonists. We still don't know them as such.
[Technology] Technology is capable of recording what one sees and reproducing it through a plug in one's head. One's memory can be stored and saved. This is shared by the first victim of Killy, Killy himself and the Silicon creatures. Similar technology will be displayed in the sci-fi film Nirvana.
[Narration] In the English translation, the man who found Killy says "I'm sure he had a pure structure". In the German and Italian translations, he says his genes were from before the infection.
[Shooting at the lower leg] The same happens in a panel in Abara [IMAGE NEEDED]
[Technology] Killy can use the technology around him, he does so to use a sort of machine gun against the two silicon creatures. He finds a dead person (a soldier?) in a suit. We'll see similar suits in future panels [IMAGE]
[World] The statues on the long stairs resemble horde guards or the faces of silicon android people throughout the manga. See also the masks in Knights of Sidonia. The last panels seem to suggest a link between the statues and Killy. [IMAGE NEEDED]
Chapter 2
[World] Could these falling slugs be infants of the big worms we see in later chapters? [IMAGE NEEDED]
[Character] A new character is introduced. We know they arranged this meeting but we don't know anything else about their relationship. When she calls to arrange the shipment of the kid, the girl says "I got it from Killy", indicating that Killy is known to others.
[World] The female character wears a suit before exiting the elevator. Why?
[Narration] The comments on the kid's genetics make us believe that he's not been infected, possibly that he might have an intact net gene (why else would Killy escort him?). Wouldn't his retrieval mean the end of Killy's quest then? About this, consider the Circular Hypothesis. The girl comments on how chromosomes 10 and 11 (11 and 12 in the German edition) show slight mutations.
[Animal] Animals are not often seen in Nihei's works. In Blame! we see manta rays and a dog. This dog however seem to have an implant on its head.
[World] Killy has a book and reads a passage from it aloud. This indicates that Killy can read. The other character’s reaction tells us that printed material is unknown. The passage has been translated as “When the Earth, cold and calm, clears, a shadow climbed the hill…” (a figure climbed the hill in the Italian translation). This is a passage from the short story “The snows are melted, the snows are gone” by James Tiptree Jr. alias of Alice Sheldon. This short story has been published in a book called “Ten thousand light-years from home”, we can assume this is the book Killy is holding. Interestingly this book narrates the story of a girl with a dog, they’re part of an organization trying to gather Y chromosomes in a futuristic Ethiopia.
[World] "It's getting dark" says the female character looking up. We're then aware that light reaches this part of the world universe. Why is it important that it's getting dark?
[Character] Killy doesn't answer to the other character's offer to help him climb the structure. As mentioned, Killy is often emotionless. According to the Circular Hypothesis, this emotionless reaction could be explained by the shock from the loss of the child Killy was supposed to protect.
[Narration] The girl tells Killy that there's a human settlements "3000 levels up". It's safe to assume Killy is moving in that direction from now on
Chapter 3
[World] Helmet design is similar to other works (Biomega, Abara, Knights of Sidonia) [IMAGE NEEDED]
[World] We're presented a village with clear borders. The world is disconnected, maybe that's why there's so much variety of cultures and designs. It's safe to assume this is the village "3000 levels up" the girl with the dog mentioned.
[World] We're told there are "guards". These however are not the Safeguards we'll see in later chapters nor the Kaito guards. They seem instead bee guards of a huge honeycomb
[Narration] The inhabitants are unaware of what the Net even is
[Character] Killy injects himself with a small vial. This will happen a few times more. Killy does that when he's injured or in distress, but no further explanation is given.
[Narration] Why does Killy kills the bee guard with a spear instead of using his gun? does he want to preserve the village structure? he's not usually that concerned about falling buildings...
[Fallout from explosion] Similar to Abara [IMAGE NEEDED]
[Narration] Ex logs are usually silent chapters, but still very rich in information
[World] Another dead person is found. Although the suit is similar to the ones of the inhabitants of the previous chapter, the logo on the shoulder is different [IMAGE NEEDED]
[World] In a big panel, some wild vegetation seem to grow and crack the (cement?) beams. This indicates seeds travelling (the bees from the previous chapter?) and possibly rainfall [IMAGE NEEDED]
[World] The food he finds is similar to the one displayed in the Electro-bio-fisher Anime. He eats a bit and puts the rest in the bag. This will become important later
[Narration] Killy finds a "birth station" and destroys it in his usual fashion. From later chapters we learn that this belonged to the silicon creatures, although the guard looked more like a horde-guard
Chapter 4
[Narration] Killy asks for food to the boy, indicating that he traveled enough to deplete all the bars he had found in the birth station
[Narration] Killy tells the soldiers he comes from at least 5000 levels down. If we assume the village next to the bees was 3000 levels from the beginning. This suggests he keeps moving upwards. In the Italian translation, Killy says he comes from level 5000, suggesting levels are numbered. We can assume this is not the case
[World] The soldiers are surprised to learn there are other people in such low levels. If my hypothesis is correct, they could have found other people only 2000 levels below them. This seems to indicate that humans don't travel as much as Killy does
[Narration] The child kills the soldiers. Could it be the kid from chapter 1 who's been since in control of the silicon creatures? I think Killy would have recognized him and would have tried to stop the soldiers
Chapter 5
[Narration] Killy finds the same people of the previous chapter dead. One survivor understands that Killy is looking for genetic material. Is it the same people Killy has given the child in Chapter 2? The suits are similar, only with slightly different insignia (front black line) [IMAGE NEEDED]
[World] We seem to be in a very civilized village. These people have guns, suits, a neuroscientist, a genetic repository, and potted plants. The environment looks designed and not simply put together
[World] When the surviving girl offers Killy to see the footage, she asks him if he's infected. Viruses can be transmitted by connecting to other's memories
[Character] It's unlikely that the surviving girl is the same as in chapter 2, due to the apparatus on her forehead (interestingly similar to the one the dog has) [IMAGE NEEDED]
[Narration] There seems to be a discrepancy in how Killy was treated in these two chapters. First he's attacked and bullied by the soldiers, then he's recognized and invited to investigate by the surviving girl. In Chapter 2 we assumed that Killy was known by the people he gave the kid to. Why didn't he simply introduce himself?
[Narration] This tribe and Safeguards have been enemies "for a long time". This indicates that people from this village don't have a pre-pandemic genetic makeup, although the surviving girl mentiones seeing symbols on her retina
Chapter 6
[Narration] We see silicon creatures fighting against the Safeguards
[World] The male silicon creature uses a strange sphere, could it be it emits some sort of EMP?
[Narration] Killy seems unaware that the silicon creatures are organized among themselves, nonetheless he understands that the birth station he destroyed in ex-log belonged to them
[World] The silicon creatures seem to be interested in the genes as much as Killy. The reason will be explained in chapter 25
Chapter 7
[World] Why are there remnants of the Safeguards? Who's Yaki? is she human?
[Character] Killy has other objects he can use to connect to the world, and does so to stop Builders. We learn that Builders are machines long out of control that just keep expanding this huge structure
[Narration] Why are silicon creatures following Killy? This might be due to their search for the Net gene, but as it appears around chapter 23, Silicon creatures are fairly vendicative
[World] Before moving to chapter 8, please note that Kumoi is as tall as Killy
Ex-log, the abandoned nest
[Narration] A colored silent chapter. We see Killy going through abandoned rooms
Chapter 8
[Narration] Killy has a lot of stuff on him. It's possible he found them in the abandoned rooms
[World] The "third eye" on the girl's forehead is similar to the insignia in the first ex-log
[Glossary] This tribe is called "Karados" in the German edition, "the withered" in the Italian translation, "Skivve" in the English translation
[World] We see more thunders, like in the thrird panel of the first chapter [IMAGE NEEDED]
[Glossary] The big city is kept in Japanese as "Kaito" in the English and Italian translations. It's translated as Metropolis in the German edition
[World] The inhabitants are extremely tall, Kumoi however was as tall as Killy. Since Kumoi says he comes from Akima and doesn't mention the Metropolis, could we assume Kumoi was born in the abandoned nest?
[Yoshio design] similar to politicians in Knight of Sidonia [IMAGE NEEDED]
[Narration] Why does the government (represented by the Safeguards) leave this level be without interference?
[Character] Killy wants to avenge the Karados. Once again this shows how Killy wants to protect and help humans, no matter from which culture
[Character] Killy injects himself from that same small vial
[World] The writings in the Metropolis are mostly in Kanji with some Hangul present [IMAGE NEEDED]
[World] Looking closely, the guards in the Bioelectric corp are shown in some posters [IMAGE NEEDED]
Chapter 9
[World] Contrast between clean upper ground and messy underground
[Narration] We see the foot prints of a mech guard [IMAGE NEEDED]
[World] These guards look and have similar weapons as Silicon Creatures, but they're not, they're simply guards of the company. This can be proven by reading the kanji on them which is the same as the one of the other guard. It translates to "guard" [IMAGE NEEDED]
[World] Cibo is a corpse attached to some machines. It appears she still has a connection with the company (e.g. she can reprogram the mech guard). Humans have found a way to store consciousness in external apparata. The fact that Cibo can control the technology inside the company means that there's a discrepancy between the world technology and the company technology
[World] We'll later learn that Killy's weapon is a standard Safeguard issue. How can Cibo know about these guns if the Safeguard has left this level?
[Weapon] Killy doesn't remember where his gun comes from
[World] Using electronics through that brain socket takes a physical toll. We'll see this to greater extents in chapter 18 when Cibo connects to a builder
[World] There's a general knowledge about what that gene does. Why don't more people look for it?
[World] To reach the megastructure, Killy and Cibo need to climb up a tower. This could be a reference to the tower of Babel
Chapter 10
[Narration] This is a flashback showing Cibo trying to connect to the Net using a synthesized net gene
[World] We learn that human cloning exists. In particular Cibo's assistant is a clone of the company's president
[Narration] After the subject connects to the Net, a guardian appears. Safeguards are then downloaded into the base reality. One guard seems interested in the generator that was contained nearby. Liberating it causes an enormous explosion
[World] Cibo and Killy take repair under a sort of tent. What do they need to be protected from? Does it provide heat?
[Narration] Guards are downloaded into base reality. Notice how one of them resembles the generator from the flashback [IMAGE NEEDED]
[World] A Governor appears. One can distinguish guards (entities against humanity) and governorns (entities helping humanity) by the insignia on their foreheads. The former have one vertical line, the latter have three
Chapter 11
[World] This is one of the most important dialogues in the whole manga. We learn that the safety trigger is embedded in the Net, no one can change it. A human with Net gene will then be able to stop the growth of the city without triggering an attack from the safeguards
[Meta] This might be taken as a commentary on how fast the internet was spreading when Blame! was serialized. While the majority of people looked at it as a liberating technology, Nihei-sensei understood that a pervasive technology could be dangerous once control of it is lost
[World] The Net hardware is contained in the megastructures
[World] In the English translation, we're told that the size of the city is now impossible to determine. In the German translation, we're told that the authority, due to the size of the city, can no longer control it
[Narration] We're told that "a human with network genes exists [...] you will [you should, in the German translation] find this person", not simply that net genes exist in some repository. This will become important later
[World] More thunders. Could it be that thunders indicate a download in progress? This could mean that megastructures are sort of distributed servers under a load balancer, allowing to download organisms at the most appropriate location minimizing delay and travel. The reaction time of the Safeguards seem to indicate something like that
Chapter 12
[World] Cibo and Killy immediately notice the cylinder at the heart of this city and how it's made of a different material. This fact is repeated in a later chapter. The fact that it's made of a different material could indicate that it's not been made by the builders and could predate the existance of the Net. We'll later learn that the cylinde moved there from somewhere else, which could also explain the difference in materials
[World] Killy notices how the corpses they encounter look like ancestors. Two questions then arise: 1) why aren't they decomposing? did they die as a result of the breach of the megastructure? 2) if Killy and Cibo, moving upwards, encounter past generations, does this mean that the overall city grows from top to bottom?
[Narration] The governor says "you're wrong, our duty was to protect the colony". What are they wrong about? is it about the ancestors language being similar to theirs? is it about them being ancestors at all? Notice that in the German translation, the governor simply says "we couldn't defend this colony"
[World] The black Safeguard and their cronies leave after injecting Killy with something. The Governor explains us that it injects "minimal doses of body compound" (nanomachines in the German edition). Could this be the same that happened to the test subject which "imploded"? [IMAGE NEEDED]
[Narration] Notice how Killy is not attacked directly by the Safeguards from now to chapter 16, once Sanakan realizes Killy won't restore his guarding duties
[Narration] The governor mentions a cylindrical building that acts indipendently from the net. We can assume this is the Toha Heavy Industries building. Cibo mentions seeing it, we can assume it's the black cylinder in one of the first panels of this chapter [IMAGE NEEDED]
[World] The governor mentions the existance of humans living inside the THI, but from what we can gather, these humans don't have a normal Terminal Gene and can thus not issue orders to the governors or otherwise control the city's technology.
Chapter 13
[Narration] We see a human connected to some apparatus. This person is emaciated, naked, and unable to speak. Sanakan is taking care of him, we're not sure why and what's happening nor Killy and Cibo seem to really care
[Narration] Killy doesn't want Cibo to use his gun. Why? There shouldn't be a reason why other people cannot use it, since the female silicon creature in chapter 1 make use of it
[World] The electro fishers appear in the tunnel saving the party. Please note how the helmet design is the same as the one of the villagers in chapter 3. The only difference is that this helmet opens halfway, while the other one could be retracted all the way back [IMAGE NEEDED]
Chapter 14
[World] The electrofishermen know the cylinder as "Toha heavy industries" despite not being able to read the characters indicating the name. This makes us think that the name of the building has been passed down orally from generation to generation. If so, why hasn't reading? Probably, as indicated in the first chapter, due to lack of printing material that can be used to write
[Character] both Cibo and Sanaka can read
[Translation] A panel is missing from the English edition
[World] A tribe called "planters" used to live inside the Toha Heavy Industries and was in contact with past generations of electro fishermen. According to the German translation, the planters are the forefathers of the fishermen
[World] Electrofishermen modify floor plants and insert ladders because the current plan doesn't suit them. This can mean two things: the original humans using these corridors had different means of transport, builders are building without humans in consideration
[Character] Sanaka's face starts "cracking". Was she wearing something to prevent being discovered?
[World] Electrofishermen know about the Net Gene
[World] The way the emergency handle of the Toha Heavy Industries door was placed, it appears that Cibo is not very tall, but rather the electrofishermen are shorter than whoever designed the door [IMAGE NEEDED]
Chapter 15
[World] Killy's suite is made of a plastic polymer
[Narration] The electrofishermen successfully heal Killy, to the point where he regained knowledge of the symbols appearing on his retina
[World] There seems to be a relationship between iris infection and net gene. This might be why Killy is so focused on the eyes when he scans people, or the iris could simply work as a fingerprint
[World] It appears there are 10 doors separating outside of THI from the inside chamber
[Character] Sanakan is revealed as a Safeguard. From her appearance and Cibo shouting "it's her!" we learn that Sanakan is the same Safeguard that appears in a previous chapter [IMAGE NEEDED]
Chapter 16
[Narration] The electrofishermen are attacked with the same infectious agents with which Sanakan tried to attack Killy in their first encounter. This transforms normal humans into Safeguards [IMAGE NEEDED]
[World] The fact that humans can be made into Safeguards and that Sanakan can transform into a butterfly-like creature suggests us the power of the Safeguards
[Narration] Sanakan asks Killy if his functions have been restored. This indicates the she either knew him already or she could tell that Killy couldn't see or interpret the symbols on his retina
Chapter 17
[Character] Now that Killy is healed he doesn't need his gizmos to communicate with the builders
[Translation] Cibo says "I've never heard of anyone who could do that" in English. "You haven't told me anything about that" in German
[World] When Zuru prepares the mummies, the leader says this technique is ancient and they only have incomplete knowledge of its use
[Translation] In English, not much is added to "The technique is drawn from stories". In the German translation, it's explained that this technique could be used to reconstruct people, including their personality and abilities. Perhaps they're talking about the same technology that Cibo used to build her body.
[Translation] In English, Killy explains that the builder just started, so it will take time. In German, Killy says that it will take time for a builder of this size. I believe this is the correct interpretation given what happens next
[World] The ability to talk to builders can be passed with the same apparatus used to see others memories. Something similar happens in the movie "The Matrix"
Chapter 18
[Narration] The big Safeguard we had a glimpse of in a previous chapter makes his attack. This indicates that these Safeguards form a kind of pack
[World] Another creature we know: the big snakes from chapter... who attacked the Karados girl [IMAGE NEEDED]
[Translation] In English, Cibo explains that she's linked to Killy's brain. This doesn't make much sense. In the German translation, Cibo says her head hurts since when she linked to Killy's brain
[World] Sanakan seems to indicate that Killy was a Safeguard
[Translation] This very important dialogue between Sanakan and Killy is rendered differently in English and German. In English it says that reparation has failed, and Killy didn't register with the Safeguards properly. In German, Sanakan explains that Killy was repaired by them (when they injected the nanomachines, most probably) but failed to do so (probably because he retains independent consciousness) and his registration as a Safeguard will be canceled. I think the German translation is to be trusted
Chapter 19
[Narration] Cibo loses consciousness and enters a sort of alternate world where she meets a governor
[World] This alternate reality is a Backup Cyberspace connected to both base reality and the Netsphere
[Narration] We learn that by connecting to Killy, Cibo's mind changed. Why didn't this happen to the girl in chapter? probably because Killy hadn't regained all his abilities, or maybe because the flow of data was going in the opposite direction
[World] Cibo can live forever in this backup as an electronic body
[World] There's a limit to the bandwidth a Safeguard operates on. This can be overloaded by connecting to it
[Narration] When Cibo connects to the Safeguard electronic body, Sanaka is also affected
[Character] The Governor explains that Killy is not a safeguard, but rather an agent that predates the safety measures that the Safeguards have put in place
[Translation] English translation: Killy is a secret agent. German translation: Killy is an agent
[World] The link between electronic body and base reality body exists. When the Safeguards hurt Cibo in the Backup Cyberspace, her body is hurt in base reality
Chapter 20
[Narration] Killy seems to perceive Cibo's electronic body destruction in base reality. It seems that this makes Killy's weapon more powerful. In fact we know that Killy's weapon, as it was, was not enough to fight against the huge Safeguard [IMAGE NEEDED]
[World] Killy takes some wires from his suit and connects them to a dead Safeguard once he sees the signal "limit off". This contributes to what was said in chapter? about a Safeguard acting as backup generator for the city
[Translation] Sanakan/Cibo says "Everyone's gone ahead". In the German translation, she adds "rather ungrateful, right?"
Chapter 21
[Narration] Cibo is back in base reality with Sanakan's appearance. Killy can recognize her through the retina symbols
[Character] We can assume Cibo's consciousness is taking over Sanakan's body
[Character] Sanakan/Cibo is seen as tall from bottom, shorter than Killy at eye level. Even accounting for the perspective, this seems off [IMAGE NEEDED]
[Character] Sanakan/Cibo skinsuit looks very similar to Cibo and Killy's one
[World] "A body without organs", this must be how a Safeguard body is. However, Killy's scan result was much different from the one he did of Sanakan back at the colony [IMAGE NEEDED]
[Narration] As they get closer to the megastructure above, the influence of the Safeguard gets stronger. Sanakan/Cibo turns into a Safeguard
[Narration] Killy probably thought that since the Safeguards cannot enter the THI, throwing Sanakan inside would bring back Cibo's consciousness. The fact that Cibo's consciousness is back but Sanakan's hair are blonde... strange
Chapter 22
[Narration] Cibo confirms the influence of the Megastructure and the role of THI in bringing her back
[World] Cibo and Killy find some sort of residential complex under door 4. Please note door and caves have no relationship, since accessing different caves is far more laborious than opening doors we should assume the two numbers have no link. Cibo and Killy find armors like the ones the fishermen were wearing, but for another body size, about the size of Killy. Considering Killy is about twice as tall as Sanakan and the fishermen, how could these people wear them? Could it be that the Planters built some special armors for them? or the Fishermen have become shorter on each generation?
[World] Cibo/Sanakan can connect to the control system of THI. She does so using her skinsuit, in a similar fashion as to how Killy connected to the Safeguard to gain more power for his gun
[World] Just like the Net of the city, the "intranet" of THI has a safety trigger. The safety of the Net is in charge of an AI (Menserv). Cibo says the AI is self-aware. This is probably the level AI reached in their time, for us, a self-aware AI is unheard of
[World] Cibo and Killy meet a sort of fire door. Cibo explains that Bioelectric company used something similar. It's interesting how something developed below one megastructure can be found above it. More interesting is that the door looks organic, in a very inorganic world. We're led to believe this door closes off Cave 13 to the outside, we can however speculate that this is not a wall but rather a containment structure for the new-version-Silicon inside
[Narration] Cibo and Killy meet Silicon creatures, we can assume then that the wall was to protect whatever is inside from them
[Narration] Cibo tries to stop Killy from shooting, probably to protect THI, just like it happened when they were in the colony
[Weapon] Killy's gun won't work inside the THI, because it's a Safeguard weapon. We could assume that Safeguard technology needs to be connected to the Net to work
Chapter 23
[Character] The silicon-woman is introduced as Maeve, silicon-man as Ivy
[Translation] Ivy says "Come on!", in German he says "They're coming!"
[Character] Menserv (Mensab in English) introduces himself as a Planter. He has THI logo on his chest. The knight at his side (Seu) is wearing the same armor we've seen before [IMAGE NEEDED]
[Translation] Some people speculate that "Menserv" is a butchered version of "Main Server". I would like to believe that is true and will use this translitteration from now on
[Translation] Along the same line, one could speculate that "Seu" is a butchered version of "su" as in "sudo su" in Linux
[Translation] English: Mensab introduces himself as a representative of the colonists of THI. In German, he specifically refers to being a Planter. In chapter 14 we've noticed how there seems to be a great difference on how the colony is understood in the two translations. According to the English translators, planters and fishermen are different tribes altogether. According to the German translators, the planters are the ancestors of the fishermen
[Narration] Menserv seems to believe Killy and Cibo are Safeguards sent from the Net to get rid of the Silicon creatures. Moreover, it seems the Net has sent Safeguards to help them numerous times
[World] What's the relationship between the Net and the Planters? Why do they refuse help from the Safeguards? How could they exclude the rest of the Net from their building system?
[World] It appears Planters and Governors had a deal, a sort of non-interference pact. Why? And why didn't the governor in chapter?? tell them?
[World] How do Ivy and Maeve know that Killy killed some of their fellows? Can silicon creatures communicate across megastructures?
[Translation] In English, Ivy says "Hand over the colonists". In German, Ivy says "Give us your master"
[Character] Killy meets fairy-like creatures, they reunite him with Cibo who's meanwhile lost consciousness
Chapter 24
[World] From the fairy creatures we learn that Silicon creatures spread some sort of poison that kills people
[World] It seems everyone coming from outside of THI is regarded as a "messenger of of the Netsphere"
[World] There is some sort of power line between the fairy creatures and Menserv. The creatures say they haven't been able to contact the other caves since Menserv built the "fire door". This explains how the fairies know there are 13 caves to begin with. How are they in touch with the others before? Does it mean that they could travel to other caves without dying but can't now?
[Narration] On their way outside the cave, the party finds a machine that can create anything one wishes. There are numerous references to this machine in Blame Gakuen. The fairy creatures are tasked with protecting this machine, they're often dubbed "the Custodians"
[Architecture] There's another gravity shift before entering the elevator. This makes sense. The cylinder is vertical, there's one gravity rotation of 90° once entering, which means each floor is developed along it's circumference. The elevator needs another 90° rotation since it travels up the cylinder. Notice how Cibo presses the "down" button. If I'm not mistaken this will correspond to traveling "upwards" relative to the plane outside of THI since the two 90° rotations were in the same direction. The fact that the caves are stacked on top of each other along the cylinder's height can be confirmed by looking at chapter 34 teleportation sequence [IMAGE NEEDED]
[Character] Cibo can use Sanakan's wings at will
Chapter 25
[Narration] We see a Silicon creature working on some cables
[World] Cibo has access to the Silicon creature's brain, we learn that the Silicon creature's protocol is the same as the one of the Safeguards, but with a secondary brain "similar to a human". It appears Silicon creatures are a strange blend between Safeguards and humans, probably humans that repurposed Safeguard technology?
[World] A very important dialogue. The silicon creature claims their lineage is ancient, pre-net, and their purpose is to destroy the Net gene. The reason to destroy the Net gene is so their race can continue undisturbed, without human interference
[Narration] Whether the humans inside THI had the terminal gene or not, the Silicon creatures killed them without checking. This is strange, we've already seen Killy and Cibo check corpses for their DNA in other chapters
[Narration] Notice how Killy acts to protect Seu and Menserv. Cibo will remind them in chapter 28 "This is the second time we've saved you"
[World] Interestingly, the energy produced by Menserv's teleportation seems more powerful than Seu
[Narration] Killy enters the teleportation area just in time but ends up in another place from Menserv. Cibo enters halfway before it closes. Killy and Cibo are separated
Chapter 26
[Narration] Killy's gun is still inactive, which means we're still inside THI
[World] Cibo is flying thanks to 3 spheres around her. The same spheres can be seen in NSE??
[Narration] Killy meets Cibo from another timeline
[World] The sphere have an influence on Killy
[Translation] After running away, in the English edition Cibo says "I have the feeling it's somewhere else". In German: "let's go further just to be on the safe side"
[World] In this alternate reality, "space and time change like the weather". This is due of a malfunctioning gravity reactor as we'll learn in the next chapter. It's safe to assume that something capable of generating gravity could bend space-time possibly creating paradoxical environments
[Narration] Cibo asks Killy how did he break through the megastructure, but how did she break through? Killy doesn't ask
[Narration] Cibo from before the teleportation tries to communicate with Killy. Notice how both Cibos appear in their original form, before the "fusion" with Sanakan, in a world where clones exist, it might not be as surprising to see somehow identical to you
[World] The new-version-Silicon can create huge explosions without being impacted. We'll see this ability used again in chapter 31
[Narration] original-Cibo comes to the rescue. Her appearance is pre-fusion but she still has the wings. She will later explain that this is deliberate. Notice how she's taller than Sanakan but still shorter than her original self
[World] Maybe Cibo figured out that that place is a sort of junction point between alternate realities? Or a shared space between caves?
[World] Cibo uses the three spheres to create a protective shield from the THI Net that allows Killy to use his gun. The shield is in the form of a tetrahedron which has 4 vertices
[Narration] Cibo was stuck there waiting for Killy for 10 years. She must have studied the place in the meantime
Chapter 27
[Translation] In English the source of energy is a "gravity furnace", in German a "gravity reactor"
[Narration] We learn that the source of the anomalies was a malfunctioning gravity reactor
[World] It's unclear how the gravity reactor has a connection with the possibility of visiting other caves. Why would have Menserv built that wall to seal in her cave?
[Narration] alternate-Cibo is caught in the restart of the reactor. Before dying she gives Killy her gun
Chapter 28
[Narration] We're back at the first fight between Menserv and Ivy. This time we see it in full. The fact that Seu is badly hurt and Maeve cut in half suggests the events unfolded in the same way as the first time
[Narration] Cibo deducts Menserv teleported them back
[World] Ivy is surprised by Killy's gun. It's unsure if the surprise is due to the fact that he doesn't recognize the gun or the exact opposite
[Narration] Some people pointed out how from Menserv and Seu perspective, this is the first time Killy and Cibo help them, not the second time. However this can have at least a few explanations: notice how Menserv ignores them, it's possible they're aware of what happened to the generator, although this should give them an advantage during the fight. Another possibility is that they believe it's the second time they meet them. They were teleported away after confronting the Silicons, so from Seu and Menserv perspective they might have simply come back somehow. All in all, I'm not convinced that what happened can be described as "going back in time" in the TV sense of the world
[Narration] Menserv teleports back to the generator-machine just like previous time
Chapter 29
[Character] We learn that Seu is human and has been attacked with the Silicons poison. From the Custodians comments and Seu behavior, it appears the poison affects the body as well as the mind
[World] Menserv can teleport to other caves
[World] Besides AIs residing over their cave, there is a central AI. Just mentioning it angers Menserv. Somehow Central interfered with Seu's recovery
[Narration] The fishermen are in cave 13
[Narration] Some people remark how this should be the first time Cibo and the Custodians meet. However this is not true, remember Cibo was teleported out during the second fight between Seu and Ivy, well after they had tried to use the elevator
[Narration] We see the fishermen are still alive. Maeve and Ivy recognize their weapons. How did they arrive at cave 13? It appears Silicons can share information across megastructures, it's not unlikely they're somehow interconnected
Chapter 30
[Character] the central AI resembles Yoshio [IMAGE NEEDED]
[World] In the Central there's a machine that will be able to restore Seu's mental health
[Narration] Menserv actions cost him to be banned from the AI council. As it was hinted before, even AIs have their internal politics...
[World] Since the gravity reactor has been stabilized, THI can move somewhere else (the can move "again", meaning that is not their original place). Why would they move the whole building? and where? is it to escape from the Silicons?
[Narration] Killy is holding both weapons but point his own. We know that gun won't work unless Cibo creates an electromagnetic shield, does he do so out of habit?
[Narration] Central AI has canceled the agreement between them and the Netsphere. The Authority takes advantage to appear in front of Killy and Cibo. The Safeguards are also moving in to stop THI from teleporting away, although it's not clear why are they interested in doing so
[Narration] We could speculate that Central AI canceled the agreement because they're about to move somewhere else, but can they move in an area that's not controlled by the Netsphere? won't they need to make the same agreement anyway?
[Character] Cibo mentions that in the years she was in cave 4, she was able to bury Sanakan deep in her consciousness. Sanakan shouldn't be able to come back if Cibo is OK. However all it takes is a bad fall
[World] How do the Silicons know that an agreement was in place and that it was now broken?
[World] Cibo is able to download her consciousness in a small vial before turning into Sanakan. This vial attached to alternate-Cibo who wakes up to face Sanakan
[Narration] Both alternate-Cibo and the new model Silicon are back in play. Ivy comments how the new-model-Silicon has advanced capabilities that they themselves don't have. This indicates that technology progressed greatly in the alternate-reality of cave 4. It might simply be due to time running slower than outside?
Chapter 31
[World] The fact that different AIs exist, one for each cave, means that the Central AI is not all-powerful. At the beginning of this chapter we see the Centrail AI asking Killy and Cibo "who are you?". This implies it doesn't have a complete overwatch over THI
[Translation] After defeating Cibo and Sanakan, Maeve says "Mensab and Seu are here at the Central AI" in English, "And now to Menserv and Seu" in German
[Character] Cibo warns Killy. From the balloon it appears she's not shouting, but could be some sort of telepathic message. It's unclear how they have this ability and how this hints Killy about the direction [IMAGE NEEDED]
Chapter 32
[Narration] Some people have speculated that Killy wanted to intercept Sanakan's grativation beam but fails. Killy had the trajectory in his retina before Sanakan shoots, which could mean either: a) the trajectory was for his shooting, b) if that was Sanakan's trajectory, she could have predicted that he could see it and made a splitsecond decision to change it slightly. Personally, the first option seems more plausible. We don't know what's supposed to happen if two gravitational beams meet
[Character] During tha blast Seu loses his helmet. He's strikingly similar to Killy, but more so to the "Engineer" in NSE [IMAGE NEEDED]
Chapter 33
[Narration] Once again it's remarked how the size of the city is unknown. This is a warning from Menserv to Central AI, sadly ignored
[Translation] Ivy explains that Silicons are following THI in their teleportation. In the English translation, Ivy remarks how everything inside THI will follow the same path, along with Silicons. The shape of the balloon suggests to me that the English, longer, translation could be correct
[World] As Menserv connects to the Central AI, some "bubbles" or "grapes" appear on his eye. This is the same graphical element Nihei-sensei uses to indicate a Safeguard hurt body both in Blame and in Wolverine [IMAGE NEEDED]
Chapter 34
[Translation] The title of this chapter is "Dissolution" in English and "Meltdown" in German. The German title may suggest something related to the Gravity generator alike a nuclear meltdown
[Narration] Zuru tells Cibo that their funerary ritual was applied to her before they moved inside THI. This might mean that her body was moved inside THI before Sanakan's (with Cibo consciousness). Is that how alternate-Cibo came to be?
[Narration] In a previous chapter, Killy tells the Central AI how they would never survive an attack from the Safeguards. Cibo and the fishermen can move to the capsules without finding any resistance. Either the capsules were remarkably close to their position, or the Safeguards retreated after hearing about the teleportation
[Narration] Cibo stays inside THI in the hope that either Menserv or Killy got hold of a working Net gene
Chapter 35
[Translation] In English, Cibo mutters "The search for the Net Terminal gene... something...". In German, "Maybe they [Menserv and Killy] have a clue about the Netgene"
[World] Custodians appear to save Cibo once again. This tells us either that: a) Custodians exist in other caves b) that the link between Menserv and Centrail AI worked, and that makes it possible for them to move c) Menserv's death sets them free d) the teleportation process makes it possible for them to move
[Narration] How Menserv knows they're looking for the Net gene? is she aware of how precious it is?
[Narration] Why did the Central AI collect Cave 8's inhabitaints consciousness? What about the fishermen that managed to escape? We can guess that Central AI only got hold on part of their population?
[Translation] Reviving the inhabitants of Cave 8 will require "an eternity" in English, while in German "it is unknown how much time it will take..."
[Narration] When Menserv says that she will send the data, in German she uses singular "you". Either there's a mistake in the translation, or that message was meant for Cibo and Killy simply "overhead"?
Chapter 36
[World] As Cibo and Killy climb up a ladder, we see 13 holes. Are they going through another megastructure? do these have something to do with the 13 caves? [IMAGE NEEDED]
[World] More vegetation growing [IMAGE NEEEDED]
[World] Killy says he has seen similar women colonies. We still don't know where they were teleported. How common are these colonies? How and by whom are they organized? Is he referring to the first ex-log?
Chapter 37
[Translation] In English, the elevator operator says he was built to be a fast connection. In German there's no mention of fast connections, instead he says he was built by an uncontrolled builder. Due to the title of the chapter ("Unofficial megastructure") and the fact that no Safeguard was alarmed, I think the German translation is more informative
[Translation] In English, the operator says the elevator has only been used once. In German, no one ever used it. In both translations the operator says "as far as I know". How would he not know?
[Character] As Killy knows the ETA (800 hours is around 33 Earth days) he plugs a vial to his temple and presumably goes to sleep. We've seen him do this before to heal
Chapter 38
[Character] Dhomochevsky is introduced. Presumably he's who killed those Silicons. His suit doesn't look too different from what Killy and Cibo are wearing and, as we'll learn in the next chapter, he has the same "retina symbol" ability as Killy since he's part of a "special Safeguard"
[Character] Dhomochevksy has an AI companion called Iko
[Character] Dhomo is not using a standard GBE weapon, but rather a sort of compact rocket launcher. We see two Safeguard escorting him away after being hurt in the fight. But why isn't he using a GBE?
[Narration] We can assume the fight between Dhomo and the Silicon was a flashback and roughly 2 million hours passed since (about 256 years). We could also presume that the distress signal is from Dhomochevsky
[Character] Other Silicon creatures are introduced: Blon, Schiff, Davine Lu, PCell
[Narration] Cibo is attacked by some sort of parasite. From the looks of it, they might be Silicon life slugs used to paralyze the prey before Blon attacks
Chapter 39
[Narration] Apparently Killy is not responding to "frequency communication". Could this be because he's not allowed on those frequency as he's not an official Safeguard?
[Narration] Dhomo's AI can see how Killy's code was removed from the Safeguard registry. We know how Dhomochevksy is working for the Safeguard
[Narration] As Killy wakes up, he immediately goes for his gun. We know it's been taken away [IMAGE NEEDED]
[Narration] Cibo was kept and healed by Dhomo as she doesn't have any relationship to the Safeguards nor Silicons. Why didn't Dhomo simply kill Killy and instead brought him down the elevator?
[Character] As he attacks, the elevator operator's neck look very similar to the defense turret from the first ex-log [IMAGE NEEDED]
Chapter 40
[World] Dhomochevsky is doing repairs in his quarter. Why aren't builders taking care of them?
[Animals] A huge fish is seen swimming in its tank. So far we've only seen three animals: manta rays (chapt.1), a dog (chapt. 2), this fish. That is if we exclude the bees from chapt.3
[Narration] Dhomo and Iko protect humans regardless of their genetic makeup. This is similar to what Killy does, except Killy does not have the aid of the Safeguards
[World] If Cibo is the only human on this level, we can assume Dhomo and Iko task is to annihilate the Silicons, and this battle has been going for over 200 years
[World] Dhomochevksy remarks how the Seu's genetic material belongs to a human of an old era. Is there a shared knowledge of human evolution in the city? What kind of markers could they use to make that conclusion?
[Narration] We can assume that Cibo is caging Iko through some sort of magnetic field. Most of her fighting seems to be through the use of electro magnetic fields
[Meta] This is the first chapter where we don't see Killy, who's presumably making his way back up
Chapter 41
[World] Dhomo talks to Cibo through radio frequencies since it's faster. Then why couldn't Killy hear him in chapter 38?
[World] Davine is in charge of "structure conversion towers" used to deploy Silicons. We can assume this is why the tower was not responding in chapter 38 [NOTICE LACK OF SYMBOL ON THE FOREHEAD]
[Narration] Cibo asks Iko why are Silicons trying to acquire human genes. This is a strange question, in chapter?? Cibo and Killy interrogated a Silicon who said their species is simply interested in human genocide. Now Iko explains how Davine wants to access the Netsphere from the Central Nexus. Is that's the real goal of the Silicons, why are they staying in an area where there's no human?
Chapter 42
[World] We see yet another organic species, some sort of slugs who emit either fire or steam
[Narration] It looks like Killy is allowed into a secured area after a retina scan. Is this the work of the Authority who guided him there?
[Narration] In the vault Killy finds a room filled with plants. On one of the walls we see a screen with what might be the result of the previous retina scan [IMAGE NEEDED]
Chapter 43
[Narration] This is a flashback of Dhomo and Iko first meeting
[Narration] Iko explains to Dhomo that were designated as special safeguards
[Narration] The Silicons know that Cibo has the gene with her [IMAGE NEEDED]
[Character] Iko explains that Daphinel is not looking for the terminal gene
[World] Apparently, for reasons unknown, the connection to the Megastructure was not completed for this level, i.e. the proper hardware was not installed as it usually is
[World] One can connect to the Netsphere, even without the Net gene, through a "provisional connection" from the Nexus. This connection needs to be allowed. It's allowed as long as the genetic makeup is not oterwise greatly altered. This type of connection only allows to access certain information, which excludes "personality transcription" and access to the storage database
[Weapon] Cibo uses a GBE, whose is it?
[Narration] A Silicon steals Cibo's vial with Seu genes without her noticing
Chapter 44
[World] From the chapter title, we can presume that Cibo, Dhomo, and Iko are inside the Megastructure. PCell ships off the vial and tries to break in
[Weapon] We see Killy holding both his GBE and alternate-Cibo GBE rifle
[Narration] Schiff faces Killy and loses
Chapter 45
[Narration] Cibo uses her suit's power to heal Dhomo
[Weapon] Cibo's GBE beeps, Cibo takes it as a sign that Killy is near
[Weapon] Killy makes his entrance, holding some sort of assault rifle GBE. He has two more weapons in side holsters
[Character] PCell can turn into smaller "parts" and fly away when she's in danger. This explains the chapter title "Multiple dispersion molecule movement" [IMAGE NEEDED]
Chapter 46
[World] How can Dhomo and Iko know the Megastructure so well to travel it through and through? do they have some sort of embedded map?
[Narration] Dhomo breaks into what looks like 20th century living quarters to take "an old thing that I have found somewhere else". It looks similar to Cibo's vial, or it could be the top part of a pen
[World] We learn that builders sometimes trasport part of one level into the Megastructure. This results in "broken" planimetries, with stair or corridors leading to nowhere
[Narration] We see Davine using the Vial to connect to the Netsphere
[World] Davine's Net avatar looks strikingly similar to Seu, but the Authority recognizes him as Davine. Does this mean that there are genetic markers for the avatar that are different from genetic markers for the owner? Similarly we have morphological and non-morphological characters
[World] Interstingly, the Authority says, "Davine, are you back?". When did Davine connect to the Net? Was it through a provisional connection only?
[Narration] Davine asks permission for a provisional connection, however connecting to the Net is forbidden for Silicons. We can assume this is Davine showing off, he doesn't want the Authority to know he found a gene just yet
[Narration] As Davine connects crossing the river, Cibo touches her shoulder. Does she feel anything? Or is it just a reminder for the reader that the gene was stolen from her?
Chapter 47
[Narration] Iko knows Davine is in the Net
[Narration] Davine downloads Safeguards into the Base reality and alters the current buildings. What he materializes at first look like Blon's slugs
[World] Can Killy see through walls? or does he have the Megastructure map as he was a Safeguard? [IMAGE NEEDED]
[Narration] Killy destroys the structure conversion tower conquered by the Silicons. How did he know what it was?
Chapter 48
[Narration] Dhomo party enters the Nexus to try to establish a connection. Iko notices how Davine is not fully connected yet, his authorization process is at 92%. Iko explains how this is taking longer than it should. The reason, as we'll later learn,is that the Authority slowed the process. This is not perceivable once you're in the Net, but nonetheless the time in Base reality goes slower
[World] Iko and Cibo enter a tank where they see Davine's consciousness. We can assume this tech is what allows one to connect
[Narration] Cibo goes towards Davine, probably in an attempt to stop him. This is a very important point in the story
[Narration] Notice how as Davine is killed and his connection interrupted, something happens to Cibo [IMAGE NEEDED]
[Character] Davine just wants to see the Net "no matter the price". Why? Is it a personal quest?
[Character] The Authority remarks how Davine had stolen information of a Safeguard of highest level. Could this refer to Seu? However, can we really assume that Seu is a Safeguard at all due to the non-interference pact THI and the Net had signed?
Chapter 49
[Narration] Iko explains through a sort of voicemail how Cibo managed to retrieve the gene and connect to the Net. Her consciousness is being transferred into an unauthorized level 9 Safeguard. We could assume it is not authorized because it's just Seu's genes. For the same reason we can assume Seu's was a level 9 Safeguard and that level 9 is the highest level
[Character] Cibo reappears in angelic form. She's levitating, has wings and an halo. Notice the Safeguard mark on her forehead [IMAGE NEEDED]
[Narration] Cibo kills Dhomochevsky and shoots something to Killy as he shoots back
Chapter 50
[Narration] The enormous blast seems to scorch Killy to the core [IMAGE NEEDED]
[Narration] Is Cibo trying to escape from the woman that appears at the end of the chapter?
[Character] A new character is introduced. From the weapon on her side we could assume she's a Safeguard, however, we later learn she's an emissary of the Authority, but not just any emissary, she's Sanakan! She's loking for Cibo and tracking her down by following some particles Level 9 Safeguards emit
[Translation] In English she's found a "passage route to level 9", in German she found "particles of level 9-ness", meaning the particles that belong to a level 9 safeguard
[Character] In this form, Sanakan looks much closer to the woman in Noise
Chapter 51
[Narration] Killy is "rebooting". We see some images from his past, including the girl with the dog from chapter 2 [IMAGE NEEDED]
[World] We know that people can change appearance, Cibo did this when she first regenarated. Why doesn't Killy do so?
[World] Interestingly, seeing the girl with the dog from Killy's perspective, we notice he already had the retina symbols, he just didn't know what to make of them
[Narration] Killy manages to retrieve his gun, it was stuck inbetween boulders that formed a sort of cave. This might be a hint of how much time has passed. Another hint is in the recordingfrom the next chapter
[World] Killy seems to shoot to test the power of the regenerated suit. We learn that it's not as powerful when his arm tears apart. Killy enters a building not unlike the big room we see in the 2016 anime to recharge his suit. It's unclear to me why the clamps are on the left arm when the right arm was lost. One might think it doesn't matter where the clamps are positioned, however why would he put them on his arm and then type with one hand? [IMAGE NEEDED]
Chapter 52
[Translation] The title of this chapter is "The caller" in English, "The call" in German
[Narration] Killy receives a strange call from a builder. We already know Killy can communicate with them. The builder had met pregnant-Cibo before Killy arrived there. The next panels are a recording of what happened "a long time ago" that the Builder shows Killy
[Animal] We seen a bird flying [IMAGE NEEDED]
[World] As it will be clear in the next chapter, the Builder can speak through normal acousting waves as well as in Builder protocol. Cibo is learning to speak through him
Chapter 53
[Translation] The title of this chapter is "Lacking escape" in English, "Escaping particles" in German
[Narration] Sanakan arrives at Cibo's location
[World] We can assume that Sanakan asked of Cibo and the Builder lied to her. This requires what's called "theory of mind" in psychology, which is a level of empathy probably not needed for a builder
[Meta] The binary code is broken in lines of 10 numbers, a strange choice since binary is base 2 and generally collected in groups of 8 (a byte). If you consider them written from top to bottom, like the Japanese script, then they group in 7 bits that all fall into ASCII and translate as j\n}IS8/-Pm
whatever that means
[Character] Sanakan finds a Silicon creature who attacks her. He has three spheres not unlike the spheres Cibo has [IMAGE NEEDED]
[Character] Another Silicon creature appears. This Silicon can shoot some sort of sticky spheres that corrode or otherwise destroy what they're attached to
Chapter 54
[Character] Cibo gets closer to this Silicon, who however wants to kill her. From the fact that she's learning to talk by repeating what the Builder says and that she gets close to danger, we can tell Cibo's mental abilities are that of a child
[Character] We now learn that Sanakan is an emissary of the Authority, she has a badge to prove it with the Authority insignia
Chapter 55
[Character] We notice how pregnant-Cibo is much shorter than Sanakan
[World] The two connect through wires coming out of the emissary forehead, we usually seem appear from a suit
[Translation] In English, Cibo identifies Sanakan as a "builder", in German, as an "emissary"
[Character] Apparently Cibo's memory needs to be restored, she barely remembers who she is
Chapter 56
[Character] A strange creature manouvering a huge armor made of tubes attacks Killy. From the retina scan we know it's a Silicon. Killy kills her with a smaller weapon [IMAGE NEEDED]
[Translation] Interestingly, in the English edition the band of the right of the retina scan repeats "Silicon origin", but it's been left blank in the German edition [IMAGE NEEDED]
[Character] Killy meets another cadaver not unlike Cibo. Next to the cadaver there's an emergancy storage module in which "Mori" is engraved. Mori is the producer. The Mori stick can talk to Killy
[Character] The Mori-stick is showing Killy the way
[Character] Killy meets a group of builders with TV screen on their head
Chapter 57
[Character] The Mori-stick is surprised that Killy can see so far as he does, from the ensuing questions about Killy's origin, we could presume that the consciousness in the stick belonged to an earlier model. Killy's abilities far surpass Mori's
[Narration] The Mori stick tries to take Killy's body. We could assume that the cadaver was its previous body
[World] Killy opens an emergency door, we see another environment familiar to the reader [IMAGE NEEDED]
[Character] Killy meets the Silicon-astronomer
[World] The sphere they're in is 143000km in diameter, which is roughly the equatorial diameter of Jupiter
[World] The Silicon astronomer conjectures that the space was used to store raw materials to build the city. This would imply that the city was built from the top down and that it's far bigger than the size of this storage space
[World] There's factories and a tower used to "stabilize the material" that is still functioning, but a Safeguard protects it
[Character] Killy kills the Silicon creature even if it posed no threat, simply because it was a Silicon
Chapter 58
[Character] As Killy is climbing up, he meets another Silicon creature
[Weapon] This new Silicon's weapon is remarkable, she emits waves that put her prey to sleep, then attacks her with what looks like either keels or... carnivorous plants?! [IMAGE NEEDED]
[Narration] This weapon explains how she managed to get past the Safeguards at the bottom of the tower
Chapter 59
[Narration] Killy's journey to the top continues. He meets another Safeguard that kills by biting and throwing its enemies, not unlike a dog
[Narrration] A dark mantel covers the Safeguard, we can see its hand gesture probably signifying the Authority insignia, while the wall on which Killy is leaning has the Safeguard insignia [IMAGE NEEDED]
Chapter 60
[Narration] We're back with Cibo and Sanakan. Cibo is wearing Sanakan's coat, Sanakan was wounded in battle
[Character] Sanakan is fighting against a squad of Silicons
[Weapon] The Silicons are carrying a weapon remarkably similar to the weapon in Noise [IMAGE NEEDED]
[World] The Silicons are equipped with a shield that can deflect Gravitaional Beams
[Narration] Sanakan is defeated and returns to the Netsphere. She's been stripped of her role as emissary and the Safeguard don't have a backup of her data, should she die again, it will be final
[Character] Sanakan is back in base reality in her Safeguard form
[Narration] We can assume the Autorithy is speaking through the Mori stick. What the say is that the Safeguards want to destroy Cibo, and they have found a way to use the level-9 powers to save the city
Chapter 61
[Character] Davine is back into play
[Narration] If the Silicons don't know what's inside the sphere, why are they after Cibo in the first place?
[Translation] In English, the Silicons "only gotten control of part of it. The remainder is still locked". In German, they "cannot release the barrier around the sphere yet". In other words, there's no mention of having control of anything in the German translation
[Narration] This must be the Silicon's main base, there's an army of them
[Weapon] Sanakan's GBE in her Safeguard form is more powerful than in her Emissary form? She can now break through the Silicon's shields
[Narration] Sanakan uses the nanomachines to turn a Silicon into a Safeguard
Chapter 62
[Meta] This chapter only has one sentence "Cibo, our child is safe"
[Meta] This sentence might be why some people say that the child was made by Cibo and Sanakan. The presence of both should not be interpreted in a human reproductive sense, but rather from the fact that there was no clear distinction between Cibo and Sanakan when Cibo-consciousness downloaded the Level-9 safeguard
Chapter 63
[Weapon] The black bands circling around the Safeguard looks remarkably like the back bands that the Silicons where shooting inside the Toha Heavy Industries building
[Character] On Killy's suit we can see the word "Playford". Playford was a short lived Japanese clothing company
[Weapon] Killy shoots left handed
[Narration] Due to the incredible blast, we're in a sort of nuclear winter. Sanakan is dying and Cibo's body looks shattered
[Narration] Sanakan implores Killy to bring the sphere to an "uncontaminated" place. Uncontaminated from what? She probably means outside of the city
Chapter 64
[Character] We see a girl wearing a Mori stick, we can assume she's the girl whose consciousness is now inside the stick
[World] The girl reaches a village where people sleep forever. A toy-AI guides her. We then learn that they're in a place where consciousness go when its storage is damaged. This place doesn't function very well due to the current state of the Net
[World] This means that the Mori-stick predates the pandemic
[Narration] We can assume the Mori-stick was damaged in the fight against the high-level exterminator. From the girl we learn that the Authority is guiding Killy to the edge of the city. The fact that the Authority would know of such a place is surprising, since in chapter 11 a representative of the Authority said they can't even know the size of it
Chapter 65
[World] It's raining. Due to the size of the city, it might no be inconceivable that it grew an athmosphere on its outside, just like a planet does
[Narration] Killy is flushed out through a system of drainage pipes. Through it, he reaches the outside of the city where the sphere activates
[Character] The last two panels show Killy with a kid in a gas mask. We can assume this is Cibo and Sanakan's child. From what Killy needs to protect him, it's unknown
[Meta] Blame! ends with a silent chapter